Research Commons
Digital Commons helps institutions save, share, showcase, publish and promote research, scholarship and collections.
Digital Commons Sites and Journals hosted on
Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Application
Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Application (ATNAA) is an open access journal, published only in electronic form. The aim is to publish outstanding theoretical and applicable results connected with nonlinear analysis.
Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science
Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science is a scholarly peer-reviewed open-access journal, published by the Basic Science Sector of Faculties of Sciences, Al-Azhar University, Egypt. ABSB is a Triannual international journal publishing high-caliber peer-reviewed research. This Journal is dedicated to publishing original scientific papers, review articles and case reports, covering high-caliber peer-reviewed research, and it covers all fields of Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Astronomy, Meteorology, and Chemical Engineering.
Al-Azhar International Medical Journal
Al-Azhar International Medical Journal (AIMJ) is an open-access journal, welcoming medical field researchers from all over the world to submit high-quality research. Published by Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Medicine in Cairo, the journal publishes original articles in experimental, Academic, surgical, and clinical research. The journal’s target includes Academic medical researchers, physicians, surgeons, and healthcare providers/professionals who are interested in or working in all medical disciplines.
Al-Azhar Journal of Dentistry
Al-Azhar Journal of Dentistry is a scholarly double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal that is published 4 times per year in January, April, July and October, in English. The goal of the Journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss new issues and developments in all related disciplines in the field of dentistry.
Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science
Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science is the official journal of College of Science University of Al-Qadisiyah in Iraq. The journal is an international, OPEN ACCESS journal that aims to disseminate research results in the area of pure sciences which include chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, geology, and environmental, computer and nanotechnology.
Blue Economy
Blue Economy is an international, quarterly, double-blind peer-reviewed, Open Access journal published by the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF Egypt). The journal publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of marine sciences including marine wealth and different branches such as marine biology, oceanography, hydrology, geology, geophysics, coastal processes, microbiology, climate change, wetlands, lakes, fisheries, aquaculture, environment, and water management.
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (BCAS) is a think tank journal directed and sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which focuses on strategic and decision-making research. BCAS is published both at home and abroad. It is positioned as the "Core Media of National Science Think Tank of China" and the key media platform for the construction of national high-end think tank under CAS.
Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration
Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration (BMRE) is an open-access, single-blind, peer-reviewed journal in the field of earth sciences. BMRE is published three times (April, August, and December) in a year, and the average time for acceptance and publishing is 6 months and a maximum of one year, respectively. BMRE is mainly indexed by Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus, EBSCO, TR Dizin, and DOAJ.
Chemical Technology, Control and Management
Chemical Technology, Control and Management Journal publishes six times per year on the following subjects: Chemical Technology; Control of Technological Parameters; Management of Technological Processes;
Information Technology; and Information Security.
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
The goal of the journal is to familiarize with the materials published by employees of universities, the Academy of Sciences, industry institutes, production associations and companies of Uzbekistan and the CIS countries, as well as foreign authors containing new original results from across the field of Chemistry.
Coal Geology & Exploration
Founded in 1973, Coal Geology & Exploration is a monthly publication (from January 2022), which is supervised by China Coal Technology and Engineering Group (CCTEG) and sponsored by Xi’an Research Institute of CCTEG. It is the longest established and most influential comprehensive scientific and technical journal in the field of coal geology, opening to domestic and foreign public circulation with equal emphasis on academic and practical technology in coal geology industry.
Double Helix Methodology
Over the past seven years, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASISD) has played its role as a comprehensive and integrated platform for building a high-end national think tank in science and technology. Serving the government and CAS, it has produced a number of important think tank research outputs, which provide powerful support for the national macroeconomic decision-making and effective support for CAS innovative development.
Egyptian Journal of Petroleum
EGYJP is addressed to the fields of hydrocarbon exploration and analysis including crude oil, natural gas, energy and related subjects.
Health Professions Education
Health Professions Education is a multidisciplinary journal that seeks to contribute to theory and research inviting manuscripts from the full panorama of the field of health professionals’ education. The journal currently publishes 4 issues per year. The journal is indexed in Scopus and Google Scholar. Its CiteScore is 4.1.
International Conference on Enhancement and Innovations in Exploring Engineering
Forthcoming in late 2024.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE) is an international and interdisciplinary journal for both invited and contributed peer reviewed articles that intelligent systems and applications in engineering at all levels. The journal publishes a broad range of papers covering theory and practice in order to facilitate future efforts of individuals and groups involved in the field. IJISAE, a peer-reviewed double-blind refereed journal, publishes original papers featuring innovative and practical technologies related to the design and development of intelligent systems in engineering.
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering
The International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering (IJNPME) offers an avenue for researchers and practitioners to present contemporary issues associated with management and Engineering. The journal publishes peer-reviewed papers, case studies, technical notes, and discussions of interest to the practice of Engineering and Management.
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC) is a scholarly peer reviewed international scientific journal published monthly (12 Issues every year), focusing on theories, methods, and applications in networks, information security and advances in computing and communication field. It provides a challenging forum for researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, managers, and policy makers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work in field of computing and communication.
Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics
Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities
Forthcoming. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities covers ReAttach Treatment, Psychology, Special Education and Rehabilitation sciences, Disability Studies, Medical Aspects of Disability, Pedagogy, Social Work and Social Policy. The following articles will be considered for publication: original and review articles, short reports, letters to the editor, clinical experiences, surveys of cases, doctoral dissertations, masters of arts, editorials, and rapid communications.
Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology
Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology (dianli kexue yu jishu xuebao) is an open-access academic journal that comprehensively reports the latest research results in the theoretical and applied aspects of electric power science and engineering technology, and introduces the development trends of electric power science and technology at home and abroad. The journal has been included in multiple databases, including the China Science Citation Database (CSCD), Peking University Core Journals, Chinese Science and Technology Core Journals, Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE), CNKI, Wanfang Data, CA, and JST.
Journal of Faith Integration in Counseling
The Journal of Faith Integration in Counseling (JFIC) is an independent online peer-reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal that is devoted to the publication of original scholarly works. This journal is specifically focused on the study of faith integration in a range of counseling areas such as clinical mental health, marriage and family, addictions, career, rehabilitation, school counseling, and related disciplines.
Journal of Medicine in Scientific Research
Journal of Medicine in Scientific Research (JMiSR), is an international, electronic online, open access journal, where the published articles will be permanently available on the journal website for all readers and researchers to read & use. The journal will be issued quarter annually. All submitted articles will be subjected to peer review and editorial supervision.
Journal of Science and Technology Management
Journal of Science and Technology is a specialized academic journal in the field of science and technology management. JSTM is committed to becoming a professional academic platform for exploring and disseminating the theoretical frontier dynamics, research hotspots and innovative achievements in the field of science and technology management, and providing intellectual support for innovation-driven development strategy.
Journal of System Simulation
Started in 1989, Journal of System Simulation (Transactions of the China Simulation Federation, JSS) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic journal publishing original, high-quality research papers and review articles on modeling theory and methodology, simulation system and supporting technology, simulation application engineering technology, application domain simulation technology.
Management Dynamics
Management Dynamics (MD) is an international, bi-yearly, peer-reviewed, and open access journal (Print ISSN No. 0972-5067, Online ISSN No: 2583-4932)) of Jaipuria Institute of Management (representing four campuses Lucknow, Noida, Jaipur, and Indore). Management Dynamics is a management-focused and inter-disciplinary journal covering broad functional areas of management (marketing, operations, human resources, IS/IT, etc.), economics, communications, and business environment. The journal accepts empirical papers, perspectives, and viewpoints on current business trends, management and teaching cases, systematic literature reviews, and book reviews.
Mansoura Engineering Journal
Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt since 1975. MEJ covers a broad scope covering all areas of engineering research and developments, including but not limited to the following fields: computer engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, electrical engineering, architectural engineering, mechanical engineering, textile engineering, chemical engineering and mathematics, natural science engineering, interdisciplinary fields of engineering sciences, and biomedical engineering and bioengineering.
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Mansoura University. The mission of this journal is to provide a vehicle for authors looking for publishing good quality research in both basic and clinical veterinary medical sciences, especially the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of medical conditions of domestic, companion, and farm animals. The journal is dedicated to publishing original articles, review articles, short communications, and case reports.
MEDICA@MUSC, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)'s Institutional Repository, was developed to collect, maintain, and provide free and open access to the current research and scholarly and creative works produced by the MUSC enterprise and its faculty, staff, and students. MEDICA@MUSC improves the visibility of MUSC's scholarship and research, facilitates institutional advancement by building a comprehensive collection of the institution's research output, and assists in returning the fruits of that research to the local community.
Neotropical Biodiversity Journal
Pan Arab Journal of Rhinology (PAJR)
Pan Arab Journal of Rhinology is an international, bi-annual, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal by the Pan Arab Rhinology Society. PAJR is devoted to all fields of rhinology. The journal is published in June and December. The journal accepts original articles, review articles, case reports, and letters to the editor.
Rehabilitation Practice and Science
Rehabilitation Practice and Science (RPS), formerly entitled the Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, is the official journal of the Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. It has been published continuously since 1973. Starting in 2023, the journal expanded its vision towards the international scientific community and began publishing all articles in English to reach and appeal to researchers around the world. This journal is periodically published every 6 months and provides open-access and peer-reviewed articles.
Revista Electronica de Veterinaria
Revista Electronica de Veterinaria publishes quarterly scientific and research papers, reviews, theses, dissertations, lectures, short communications, posters, case studies, informative articles or opinion pieces regarding any aspect of technical expertise in the field of Veterinary Sciences (medical and health sector, health, surgery, agriculture, animal husbandry, nutrition, environmental) at regional, national and international levels.
Rock and Soil Mechanics
Rock and Soil Mechanics (RSM), founded in 1979, is a peer-reviewed monthly journal (print), and its English version (OA online, DOAJ) launched in 2020. The RSM is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), sponsored by the Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS. RSM is indexed or abstracted by EI, ESCI, SCOPUS, CSCD(Chinese Science Citation Database), CNKI (National Knowledge Infrastructure), and Wanfang data.
SOAR: Shocker Open Access Repository
Technical Science and Innovation
Technical Science and Innovation is one of the official journals of Tashkent State Technical University. The journal aims to make significant contributions to applied research and knowledge across the globe through publication of original, high-quality research articles. Published quarterly.
Terra Joule Journal
erra Joule Journal is a reputable, peer-reviewed publication by the Green Education and Sustainability Research Society (GESRS). Published biannually as an open-access journal, it offers a vital platform for exchanging knowledge and exploring diverse research topics within energy technology and sustainability.
Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
Launched in 1980, TSLA is the journal of the state-certified first-tier China Literary Theory Association, one of the earliest and most prominent national academic associations of the post-reform and open-up era. It is China’s first and the leading journal of studies of literary and art theory. Rooted in China’s fundamental realities and endowed with a global reach, it has contributed enormously to Chinese scholarship. Indexed in Scopus.
Trends in Advanced Sciences and Technology
Trends in Advanced Science and Technology, published by Helwan University, is a single-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal, concerning all aspects of life sciences, medical sciences, computer sciences and engineering.
Browse Digital Commons Portals
Below is a list of Digital Commons portals that allow you to explore research and scholarly works by subject, consortia, or region.
Digital Commons Network
The Digital Commons Network brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide. Curated by university librarians and their supporting institutions, the Network includes a growing collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.
Digital Commons of SUNY
Digital Commons makes research at SUNY openly available to scholars around the world. Digital Commons of SUNY makes it possible to explore the breadth of SUNY's scholarship from Binghamton University, Buffalo State University, Stony Brook University, SUNY College Cortland, SUNY Geneseo, University at Albany, and the University at Buffalo School of Law.
Illinois Research Commons
The Illinois Research Commons is an Open Access portal that showcases research and academic scholarship conducted at public universities in Illinois. It makes the academic works openly accessible to scholars around the world. It also features a real-time global readership map, highlighting the international reach and impact of research from Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.
Kentucky Research Commons
“The Kentucky Research Commons brings another dimension to open access, collaboration, and the intellectual output of universities in the Commonwealth through a shared research portal. Faculty can showcase their research; students can explore research and creative efforts across Kentucky; legislators, funding bodies, and all citizens of the Commonwealth and beyond can visualize the impact of educational outcomes in one place. The Readership Map highlights in real time the use of the portal and dramatically visualizes international reach. While each institution shown in this portal realizes individual growth and impact, the collective strength cannot go unnoticed in this endeavor.”- Connie Foster, Dean of Libraries at WKU (2011-2017). WKU News, “New Digital Portal Expands Global Visibility for Kentucky Research,” April 30, 2015,
Law Review Commons
Representing over 50 law schools, the Digital Commons Law Review Commons is one of the biggest open-access collections of law scholarship in the world and includes material from top schools like Duke, Yale, UC Berkeley, Northwestern, Cornell and Georgetown. Showcasing law review articles, book chapters, briefs, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work, the Digital Commons law network is completely open access, meaning researchers will never run into paywalls or empty records—only full-text, open access research and scholarship are included.
Liberal Arts Research Commons
The Liberal Arts Research Commons makes research at those Oberlin Group member institutions that use Digital Commons openly available to scholars around the world. By aggregating these collections into one open access portal, the Liberal Arts Research Commons makes it possible to explore the breadth of scholarship across the Oberlin Group.
Nebraska Scholarly Commons
Nebraska Scholarly Commons is a service of the University of Nebraska libraries. Research and scholarly output in this repository is to showcase the work of our faculty, staff and students at the University of Nebraska Kearney, the University of Nebraska Lincoln, the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and the University of Nebraska Omaha.
Ohio Scholarly Commons
Ohio Scholarly Commons showcases the scholarly and creative output from 22 of Ohio’s prestigious institutions. This discovery portal brings together the outstanding research from faculty and students of the “Buckeye State.”
Pennsylvania Scholarly Commons
The Pennsylvania Research Commons makes Pennsylvania's finest scholarship, from undergraduate journals to faculty monographs, available to scholars around the world. The Pennsylvania Scholarly Commons also showcases unique library collections and notable university archives of regional interest and local history across the “Keystone State.”
Teaching Commons
The Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from leading colleges and universities. The Teaching Commons includes open access textbooks, course materials, lesson plans, multimedia, and more.
Undergraduate Research Commons
The Undergraduate Research Commons is a discovery portal to exemplary undergraduate work including award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship from hundreds of undergraduate institutions using Digital Commons. The Undergraduate Research Commons also makes it easy for undergrads to see which peer-reviewed journals and conferences are currently open for submissions, and submit their own best work for consideration.
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